Monday 22 April 2013

Task 3 - Evaluation

Task 3a

Personal S.W.O.T.

In this extension part of my coursework I will do a personal S.W.O.T. (Strengths/Weakness/Opportunities/Threats) analyse for myself.
  • I.T. Skills
  • Maths Skills
  • Honest
  • Good Leadership
  • Good organiser
  • Well Motivator/motivated
  • Rich knowledge of different languages
  • Good Punctuality
  • Mature
  • Good team worker (Prefer alone)
  • Serious
  • Good sense of humour
  • Good communication skills (speaking/listening especially)
  • Good negotiator
  • Self control
  • Responsible
  • Experience with cash handling (working with cash money)
  • Gentleman at all the time
  • Some business knowledge
  • Good listener
  • Need to improve my English
  • Impatient
  • Lack of work experience
  • Not enough good punctuality
  • Can be easily distracted/angry (depends on the situation)


  • I have chance to improve my English at College, take extra lessons
  • I can start to work somewhere to have some more experience
  • I can read books and write some more staff to improve my punctuality
  • I can develop my skills from my strengths
  • Improve the other communication skills

  • I need to practise all of the languages that I know, because without practise the languages can be forgotten.
  • My weakens, that I can be easily distracted can develop if I don't control my emotions

Task 3b

Find 2 jobs I could do now

In this extension part of my assignment I need to find two jobs that I will be able to do them now with my skills and abilities. I need to describe what the jobs what me to could do and I will describe what I can do.

Warehouse Assistant Job

In this job place they need someone who can lift and carry the stock into the warehouse, that person will need to be able help to the customers to find what do they need. Good communication skills are needed and usual control of stock have to be done to maximise the availability
I have work in few places where has needed a physical skills (Construction area, fast food delivery companies,warehouses). Last all summer (2012) I have worked in a warehouse before I start college again, my employer was satisfied and let me work some holidays there.

The skills that I cover for that job

- I am good organised person
- I have good calculation skills (have qualifications)
- Good communicator with few different languages
- I am flexible person, I always can change my working hours/replace my mates position, when they are missing

Coffee lounge assistant.

They need a person who will work one day (Sunday) in a week, the assistant will provide services for the customers by making and selling sandwiches/tea/coffee and etc.

The skills that I cover for that job:

- I have some experiences of making a coffee/tea/sandwiches from my previous school and I have coffee/tea experiences from some jobs.
- My free time is perfect for that job, because I am student in college only 3 days a week and I can do that job in Sunday while I do another job for the rest of my free time.

Part Time Sales Assistant (Shopfloor/Yard/Car Park)
Company: Selco Builder's Warehouse

The employee will need to have excellent customer skills (knowledge/organised/flexibility/communication skills). The job is almost physical because the employer will need to sell heavy items and need to carry items in/out of the warehouse. There no working hours are mentioned to cover. The person who will apply for the job at least needs to have some experience of similar job. They need someone with good memery to remember the order of items in the warehouse and need some math skills to calculate control the amount of the products.

The skills that I cover for that job:

- My maths skills are very well (have qualifications)
- I have experience as warehouse assistant for couple of months
- Good communication skills from job/college
- From experience I know how the manage the things at the warehouse

Task 3c

Career Development Plan

In this part of the coursework I will describe my career plan for the next few years. There will be included my education and my job that I want to do.

Currently I am student in WKC and I do business course and functional skills (Maths level 2 and English Level 1). Firstly I want to finish my education in Westminster Kingsway College (Kings Cross Centre) for Business Enterprise and ICT level 2 with good degree (Merit or Distinction). I would like to apply for next year course in Westminster Kingsway College (Victoria Centre) for Access to Higher Education Diploma Business level 3 and do Functional skills (English level 2).

I have no plans after this course, because I am considering to improve my knowledge about business in University or start my own original business I have planned in these days. I might keep studying in university and make a new target to develop myself in finance area, but I might start my own business that I have shared with my parents and took some ideas from people who have similar business.

If I do my business idea, after one or two years when I am sure that I survived with my small business, I will keep developing my business and open new branches to increase my profit. I would like to start to do some other course related with my education and do some other job while my own business run it self.

I plan to improve my languages that I know (Bulgarian, English, Turkish and retake Russian language courses), after undertood these languages properly I might take course for my dream language (Spanish). I dream is to learn this language, because sound lovely language, I have plenty Spanish talker friends and there are many countries that speak it (I have open branches in these country as well, if my business is successful)

1 comment:

  1. U4 P4
    A good and realistic choice. I think that with your work ethic and practical attitude you should consider starting your own business. Good luck
