Friday 12 April 2013

Task 5 - Compare the web sites

Project Extension Task 5 

I will have to use 3 different business web sites. I have choose the websites from my Task 1 and I will compare these 3 sites by (images, videos, fonts and etc.)

The web sites are:

Post Office's Web Site: The website of that business have simple few images, which are not with big size and open easily when you are in the site. There are no videos to complicate the site, they have used the home page cleverly to advertise different type of services. The font and the size are quite good, they are not coloured to make it to look beautiful, but they made it to look simple for the users. The navigation of the web site is with drop down boxes The purpose of the site is to provide services and help to make sales by Internet. 

Superdrug's Web Site: This web site also is simple to use, but not like the post office's one, because there are plenty of advertises. The images are with small size and it helps to the website to load fast, even without videos works more fast as that one is. The font is simple as the post office's is and the navigation of that site is also with drop down boxes. The purpose of that site is to make online sales for the clients.

British Red Cross's Web Site: This web have different type of images with different sizes to advert the happens, needs and etc. in the world. Normally this website have few videos to help the people to understand their purpose/target. One more time the font is easy to read. The colours are one of the most used colours in the web sites.

Superdrug's web site is more colourful than the other 2 websites, there have plenty of adverts but the others even do not have half of it. I think that the British Red Cross's web site is the most complicated one because there have different services like providing health and safety services, applying services, donations and etc. Post office's web site mainly is for providing information to the community, about what kind of services they do. They also have a sepparete site for shopping, for a different goods that superdrug doesn't offers.


1 comment:

  1. U12 M1
    The three websites OF British Red Cross Superdrug and the Post Office all compared. Your analysis of the reasons behind the differences was well done.

    U12 M2
    A thorough look at the benefits to both the business and the customer is here well done.

    U16 M1
    All the valid reasons such as control, keeping profits etc explained. Well done.
