Thursday 25 April 2013

Task 1 - Benefits of starting your own business

Extension task 1 evaluation

I will write about what are the benefits to start your own business. The business can be online or branch business, there are different type of businesses like being a Privat or Public Limited Companies/Sole Trader/NGO/Franchasi, but I will write just for a normal business without complications.
  • You are your own boss

    - Your decisions
    - Challenge
    - You do not have to work with someone else if you want
    - You control your working life
    - Flexibility - you decide when to work (hours/days)
    - To be boss means to be powerful than normal person
    - You control everything in the workplace
    - You can do what you are interested in
    - You can do what job you have dreamed before
    - You choose where do locate your business
    - It might change the world, as Levi Roots, Bill Gates, Karen Millen and Lord Alan Sugar.

  • Money (Power)

    - Can be very profitable, if your business success will make profit more than a normal wages.
    - If your business is not about money, then you can be NGO boss and help to people in need. It might be with clothes/water/education/health or etc. You have the posibility to make the world better place
    - If you raise enough money, you can develop your business or create another business as well

  • You can have second career

    - Depends on your business, you can set up your business until you are working somewhere else, by that way you will have 2 careers and 2 job incomes
    - If you are hard worker you can work in your business in day/night time and other job in the opposite shift

1 comment:

  1. U16 M1
    All the valid reasons such as control, keeping profits etc explained. Well done
