Thursday 20 June 2013

Unit 12 - P7 and M4

P7  - Outline the impact of online business in society
M4 - Analyse the consequences for society of an increase in online business

In this part of my assignment I will explain the impact of online business in society as employing, people's life and etc, and what implication in the society will be if a business grows.

The online businesses could have different impact in society. The online businesses can result in different ways to the people out there, for some businesses is profitable for some not. Even some business bankrupt or close down because the online businesses, but for some of them is profitable because they make more sells and bypass the taxes, costs and etc. 
If a business grows and start serving in other countries, that will affect a part of the world and the business. The business will have to pay more taxes, shipping additions and etc. They will have to check the rules and regulations and that kind of things, because as I mentioned in my other assignment about risks of online business, the product you sell might be not legal in the country you want to make sell over internet and that can open them many quite serious problems, when a business grow the owner of the business should to be more careful about their business. Will be good for the business of course, because that means the business is doing very well in selling.
If a business grow, that can be good for the society because will have more options of products for the people, might have different products than the usual products. The price of the goods can be different, the quality can be good. There will need some more employee to control the business and that means less people will be without a job.
If a business grow, that can be bad for the society as well because that means if the business is successful, the business in the High Street and Shopping centre will be less because they can afford to have more staff and buy new product and etc. When a business close down, that affect other businesses as well, businesses which they were selling their products to that business.

The online businesses mostly affect the shopping because they make it easier for the people to make a shopping. People prefer to go to buy something online instead wasting their time to plan a journey and find out the right  product they want to have. Via online businesses is easier for the people, they don't have to do these things, they just have to chose few options and after a time they will get it at home via delivery. The payment its easy, again by pressing some buttons and that's all. That kills the normal shopping as well, when people go together to shopping and try clothes, talk with someone, ask for opinion and etc.

Online business > online shopping > businesses close down > people are without job> no wages>break ups> crimes>jail

I add few pictures which will confirm my coursework, the pictures will be about total online spending, unemployed people and about the crime came because the unemployment.

In that graph clearly shows that the Online shopping has increased a lot since 1997.

Many people prefer to do their business in online as you see in the graph, because there are couple of reasons like: Have no need of more staff, no premises costs (depends on your online business), less taxes and etc. That's why the online business is more profitable nowadays.

In that picture you can see that the unemployed people has increase in the last few years.

There are many reasons for unemployment, but online business are one of the main problems for that. As many organisations have online business, the employees will be useless for the organisations that's why have cut of staff, not accepting that much staff.

The online business always find out a way to say that they fallow the rules about the taxes, but they don't do that really. Some organisations made smart move, by having a profit, or run the business from there where the taxes are lower and the costs too. There are few organisations which find out that way and use them to pay less taxes. For an example Amazon is one of them.
What Amazon did, they earn their profit in Luxembourg. That saves their life, because they make sales for over £4bn and pay only £2,4 taxes for a year.
The important question for all of people reading that is, where all the money goes to. Some of the money are spending to cover some of the cost, improvements and the rest goes as profit. They spend some money in developing their web site, like how more friendly they can make it and improving the delivery system, they try to do that  more efficiently.
There are few examples as well, like Top Shop, Google and etc.

Like all, the online business are good and bad because couple of reasons. The employees are fine with that, because they do less physical job and they can do it from wherever they want to, all you need is a type of computer and Internet, or as in these days the new smart phones are useful they do their work over the phone while travelling or doing something else. This is more comfortable for the employee obviously, and comfortable for the employer as well because it's less worries about the staff, less costs - more profit.
Online businesses, make easier the shopping for them by bringing all the services in only few clicks and 1,2 minutes. People don't save time only by that, they save money as well because in internet most of the products are cheaper then the shop prices. (Shop prices looking for more income, because the more costs)

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Formal Documents

In this part of the task I will describe 2 different types of documents (formal and informal) and I also will describe types of documents (e-mail, invoice, agenda, and business letter, delivery note,). After doing that I will compare them and I will explain why I chose to write about these letters

Type documents:

Formal document – Formal writing is the proper language (not slang language), with proper paragraphs.

Informal document – Informal writing is the language with slang words, not proper paragraphs.

Invoice (EXTERNAL) - Invoice is a request of payment or receipt of product or service.
 The invoice if it’s used for receipt, in that receipt must have the company logo, company contact details, invoice number, date, and order number. The amount of the order, vat, price, name of the orders.

I chose that type of document because this type of document is usually using. In every legal business they have Invoice, to proof that the employee work for that company. It’s type of receipt

E-mail (Internal and EXTERNAL) – E-mails are used for communication with others. It can be use for internal and external. Here you can send a mail (letter), image, video and etc. E-mails are the cheapest way to communicate or do your business because it’s free, just you must have an e-mail account somewhere.

Nowadays E-mail is used everywhere, at work, school, home, chat and etc. People use that for formal and informal documents. It’s free if you have internet or find place with internet, you don’t have to wait long time like normal letters.

Agenda (INTERNAL and External)– Agenda is a list with topics which have to be talked in the meeting, all the members should have that piece of paper before the meeting and have some knowledge about that.

I use that type of document because agenda mostly is used to in business meetings, that helps the entire employee and employers to know what are they talking about. Give them some knowledge about the topics will be talked in the meeting.

Business letter (external) – Is a formal letter which is written in formal language and usually is used when writing from organization to another or organization to customers/clients and other external parties.

I chose that document because it’s easy to see everywhere, they can be found everywhere. The simplest way to write something on a letter.

Delivery note (external) – Delivery note is type of receipt when you get delivery to the address given or a collection note, when you collect some delivery from somewhere.
Example: When you collect an item from Royal Mail services in The UK.

I chose that type of document because not many people ask for that kind of a letter and when their product is faulty they are complaining without a prove.

Text message (Internal) – This is the most popular and used way of communication after oral communication. This is cheapest way, because in The UK almost in every network is free.


I chose that kind of a document, because it’s the most used type of document by my opinion. Can be used everywhere for free and you don’t need complication and internet for it.

All these documents are in written format and all of them are used usually and almost all of them are connected with business. The difference between them is some of them can be used for informal, but not all of them (example: agenda and invoice can’t be used in informal way). Some of them need a proof of address, name and etc, but in agenda and e-mail this is not necessary. There are 3 internal and 3 external documents. External are those which can be used for outside organisation and the internal are for within the organisation. You need the information provided on the documents to develop your business and all the documents must be written correctly, doesn’t matter they are informal or formal.

Monday 10 June 2013

Unit 4 P2 - Type Organisation Structures

Organisation structure

Every business have an organisation structure which is helping to the business to have more control over it and make easier for everyone to know their obligations in the company. There have no matter it's big or small company because they need a structure if they want to work in their maximum capacity and have the maximum results.

There are 3 type of organisation structures:
- Hierarchical
- Flat
- Matrix

Hierarchical Structure - In that business structure have few levels, these levels are arranged one below other. The top levels are the high levels and the bottom is the normal staff, but under the top level have few levels and on these few levels each have few levels. The levels can go as much the company is big.
Example: On the top have boss after that manager and on the bottom is the staff.

Flat Structure - In that structure have no many structure levels, there are 2 or 3. That type of structure is welcome in most of the companies, because is simple and productively. Flat structure have one boss, manager and staff or just staff without manager.

Functional Structure - This structure is more complicated, because have different people from different functional. All of the members in the company have different skills which are helpful for the business. They work together task by task. 

Unit 4 P3 - Job Description

Job Decsription

Produce a basic job description and person specification for a specific job

I have choose as an example for my Job Roles, McDonald's.
McDonald's Corporation, the biggest fast food restaurant was found in the United States from Richard and Maurice McDonald in 1940. The businessman Ray Kroc joined the company as a franchise agent in 1955. He subsequently purchased the chain from the McDonald brother and oversaw its world wide growth. The company's revenue grew 27 percent over the three years ending in 2007 to $22.8 billion, and 9 percent growth in operating income to $3.9 Billion.

Software developer

If you are keen on computing and enjoy design and development, this job could be a good idea for you to become a software developer. For that job you will have to be creative and problem solver. Excellent communication and customer care skills are also important. Software developer (also known as programmers) design and build computer programs that help organisations and equipment work effectively.

As a software developer your work could involve:

- Design computer controls for industrial and manufacturing machinery
- Building administrative and financial databases
- Developing software for home entertainment equipment.

A typical project would include:
- Programming a test version of a piece of software

- Testing installation and compatibility issues
- Checking test results and fixing technical problem 
- Installing a full version and carrying out final checks before going 'live'
- Maintaining and supporting systems once they are up and running.

Skills and knowledge 

To become a software developer you will need to have:
- A good knowledge or hardware
- Software and programming languages
- The ability to interpret and follow technical plans
- A creative approach to problem-solving
- An understanding of computer Aided, software engineering tools
- Excellent communication and customer care skills 
- The ability to work with people at all levels, including non-technical staff
- Good project management skills
-The ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
- Good teamwork skills
- An appreciation of the clients business needs
- An understanding of confidentiality and data protection issues

Working hours and Income

You would work between 37 and 40 hours a week. For these maximum of 40 hours you will be paid:

Starting salaries for graduates can be between £20,000 - £26,000 a year
Experienced developers can earn between £28,000 - £40,000 and software developers with management responsibilities can earn over £50,000 a year.

Human Resources Officer

If you enjoy working with people and you are looking for an office role, this could be the perfect job for you. Human Resources officers also known as personnel officers look after hiring and developing employees. They look after their welfare too.

The work 

Hr officers work would usually involve:
- Hiring staff - advertising and interviewing
- Working with other managers to plan future staff needs 
- Keeping employee records
- Providing staff training and development
- Making sure staff have the rights pay and benefits
- Arranging staff services such as welfare and counselling
-  Dealing with complaints and discipline procedures
- Promoting equality, and heath and safety
- Advising on matters like pay negotiations, redundancy and employment law
- Developing HR policies and procedures
- Writing staff handbooks

Skills and knowledge

To become a human resources officer you would need to have:
- A tactful, friendly but firm manner
- Good spoken and written communication skills
- The ability to build good working relationships with colleagues at all levels
- Fairness and objectivity
- Discretion with confidential information
- Good organisational ability
- High levels of accuracy and attention to detail
- Calmness under pressure
- Good administration and computer skills

Hours and Income
In a full-time job you would normally work standard office hours like Monday - Friday.
Part-time and temporary work are often available.
Personnel administrators can earn around £15,000 - £19,000 a year.
Starting salaries for HR officers can be between £18,000 - £25,000 a year
Personal managers can earn £25,000 - £50,000 a year or more.

Marketing Manager

The work

You would use various marketing strategies to communicate with customers. Your typical would include:

- Researching and analysing market trends
- Identifying target markets and how best to reach them
- Coming up with marketing strategies
- Planning campaigns and managing budgets
- Organising the production of posters, brochures and websites
- Attending trade shows, conferences and sales meetings
- Making sure that campaigns run to deadline and on budget

- Monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of strategies and campaigns

- Managing a team of marketing executives and assistants.

Skills and knowledge

- As a marketing manager you should have:
- Excellent spoken and written communication skills
- Creative thinking
- Good organisational and planning skills
- The ability to lead and motivate a team
- Drive, motivation and initiative
- The ability to work under pressure and to deadlines
- The confidence to 'sell' your ideas
- Attention to detail
- Good business sense and budget awareness.

Hours and Income
You would typically work standard office hours, Monday to Friday, sometimes longer at busy times such as the lead-up to a campaign launch.

Management salaries are usually between £25,000 - £40,000 a year.

Senior managers and marketing directors can earn £50,000 a year or more.

Sales Assistant

If you like the idea of making shopping more enjoyable for people and can get along with a wide variety of different customers.

The Work

The places you could work include supermarkets, fashion stores and department stores, and you could be:

- Serving and advising customers
- Taking payment
- Helping customers to find the goods they want
- Advising on stock amounts
- Hiving information on products and prices
- Stacking shelves or displaying goods in an attractive way
- Arranging window displays
- Promoting special offers or store cards
- Ordering goods
- Handling complaints or passing them on to a manager.

Skills and knowledge
You would need to be:
- A good communicator
- Able to get on well with people
- Able to work as part of a team
- Friendly, polite and helpful
- Confident and tactful
- Energetic
- Reliable and responsible
- Honest.

Working hours and Income

HoursIn a full-time job you would normally work between 35 and 40 hours a week, possibly including weekends and evenings. Part-time work is often available and you may work shifts.

Full-time salaries can be between £11,000 - £15,000 a year
Supervisors can earn between £15,000 - £20,000 a year.

Extra money - Many larger retail companies also offer benefits like staff discounts, extra pay depending on how much you sell (known as commission) and bonus schemes.

Management accountant 

Management accountants are responsible for managing a company's finances. They look after a company's accounts. They also find ways to improving profitability and the growth.

The work

As a management accountant you would work for one company as an in-house (internal) accountant. This role is different from a private practice accountant, who provides accountancy services for external clients.

Your work could include:
- Preparing regular financial statements and accounts, such as profit and loss accounts
- Monitoring spending, costs and budgets
- Analysing the company's financial performance
- Forecasting and planning future spending and profits
- Recommending ways to reduce costs and increase profits
- Making business decisions with other managers
- Carrying out internal audits of various departments
- Providing external auditors with company reports and financial data
- Managing a team of accounting technicians and finance clerks
- Overseeing the company's payroll, credit control and bookkeeping systems.

Skills and knowledge:
- Good mathematical and computer skills
- Analytical ability and a logical approach
- A good understanding of business
- Accuracy and attention to detail
- Good communication skills
- The ability to explain technical financial information clearly
- Organisation and time-management skills
- Honesty and discretion.
Working hours and Income
You would normally work standard office hours, Monday to Friday. You may need to work overtime during busy periods, such as at the end of the financial year. Part-time work may often be available.
Trainee and part-qualified accountants could earn between £18,000 - £30,000 a year, depending on which stage of training they have reached.
Qualified management accountants usually earn between £30,000- £50,000 a year.
Finance managers and directors could earn between £50,000 - £100,000 a year, depending on the size of the company.