Wednesday 19 June 2013

Formal Documents

In this part of the task I will describe 2 different types of documents (formal and informal) and I also will describe types of documents (e-mail, invoice, agenda, and business letter, delivery note,). After doing that I will compare them and I will explain why I chose to write about these letters

Type documents:

Formal document – Formal writing is the proper language (not slang language), with proper paragraphs.

Informal document – Informal writing is the language with slang words, not proper paragraphs.

Invoice (EXTERNAL) - Invoice is a request of payment or receipt of product or service.
 The invoice if it’s used for receipt, in that receipt must have the company logo, company contact details, invoice number, date, and order number. The amount of the order, vat, price, name of the orders.

I chose that type of document because this type of document is usually using. In every legal business they have Invoice, to proof that the employee work for that company. It’s type of receipt

E-mail (Internal and EXTERNAL) – E-mails are used for communication with others. It can be use for internal and external. Here you can send a mail (letter), image, video and etc. E-mails are the cheapest way to communicate or do your business because it’s free, just you must have an e-mail account somewhere.

Nowadays E-mail is used everywhere, at work, school, home, chat and etc. People use that for formal and informal documents. It’s free if you have internet or find place with internet, you don’t have to wait long time like normal letters.

Agenda (INTERNAL and External)– Agenda is a list with topics which have to be talked in the meeting, all the members should have that piece of paper before the meeting and have some knowledge about that.

I use that type of document because agenda mostly is used to in business meetings, that helps the entire employee and employers to know what are they talking about. Give them some knowledge about the topics will be talked in the meeting.

Business letter (external) – Is a formal letter which is written in formal language and usually is used when writing from organization to another or organization to customers/clients and other external parties.

I chose that document because it’s easy to see everywhere, they can be found everywhere. The simplest way to write something on a letter.

Delivery note (external) – Delivery note is type of receipt when you get delivery to the address given or a collection note, when you collect some delivery from somewhere.
Example: When you collect an item from Royal Mail services in The UK.

I chose that type of document because not many people ask for that kind of a letter and when their product is faulty they are complaining without a prove.

Text message (Internal) – This is the most popular and used way of communication after oral communication. This is cheapest way, because in The UK almost in every network is free.


I chose that kind of a document, because it’s the most used type of document by my opinion. Can be used everywhere for free and you don’t need complication and internet for it.

All these documents are in written format and all of them are used usually and almost all of them are connected with business. The difference between them is some of them can be used for informal, but not all of them (example: agenda and invoice can’t be used in informal way). Some of them need a proof of address, name and etc, but in agenda and e-mail this is not necessary. There are 3 internal and 3 external documents. External are those which can be used for outside organisation and the internal are for within the organisation. You need the information provided on the documents to develop your business and all the documents must be written correctly, doesn’t matter they are informal or formal.

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