Monday 10 June 2013

Unit 4 P2 - Type Organisation Structures

Organisation structure

Every business have an organisation structure which is helping to the business to have more control over it and make easier for everyone to know their obligations in the company. There have no matter it's big or small company because they need a structure if they want to work in their maximum capacity and have the maximum results.

There are 3 type of organisation structures:
- Hierarchical
- Flat
- Matrix

Hierarchical Structure - In that business structure have few levels, these levels are arranged one below other. The top levels are the high levels and the bottom is the normal staff, but under the top level have few levels and on these few levels each have few levels. The levels can go as much the company is big.
Example: On the top have boss after that manager and on the bottom is the staff.

Flat Structure - In that structure have no many structure levels, there are 2 or 3. That type of structure is welcome in most of the companies, because is simple and productively. Flat structure have one boss, manager and staff or just staff without manager.

Functional Structure - This structure is more complicated, because have different people from different functional. All of the members in the company have different skills which are helpful for the business. They work together task by task. 

1 comment:

  1. U4 P2
    Flat, MATRIX AND HIERARCHICAL business structures all identified and suitable images used to illustrate your explanations too. Well done
