Thursday 9 May 2013

Task 3 - Analyse the different aspects that will affect a business

Project extension Task 3

To set up a business is easy, but is easily destroyed, the business can be affected in different ways, financial issues, rules and regulations, strategy, structure, weather, location, marketing strategy and etc.

Marketing Strategy

Its really important how the business is promoted, because that can affect it really bad. Thera are different ways to promote the business, can be by leaflets, bill boards, posters, web advertises, word of mount and etc. If the business is not well known, the less customers can affect the business in the bad way. 

Structure of the business can be 3 types:

The structure of the business, should to be carefully choosed, because the not right structure can affect the business badly (if the business is large, they need choose structure like hierarchical for large business)

Matrix - This structure is more complicated, because have different people from different functional. All of the members in the company have different skills which are helpful for the business. They work together task by task

Flat - In that structure have no many structure levels, there are 2 or 3. That type of structure is welcome in most of the companies, because is simple and productively. Flat structure have one boss, manager and staff or just staff without manager

Hierarchical - In that business structure have few levels, these levels are arranged one below other. The top levels are the high levels and the bottom is the normal staff, but under the top level have few levels and on these few levels each have few levels. The levels can go as much the company is big.

Laws and Regulations
There days is easy and hard to set up a business, because everyone have the right to set up a business but there are many different laws and regulatios (rules). All of the business should to be S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-Bound) and they need to have information about the company, shareholders. All of the business need to know the ACTs that they have to apply, some businesses need a license for specific sale/service. There are many laws and regulations that might affect the business, thats why all employees and employers need to think about that before starting work within the company.

Consumer laws - The purpose of this law is to protect the consumers who buy services and goods, that law protect them against unfair treading or when there have something wrong. That can be damaged goods, problem with the negotiations (contracts), poor service and ETC. There are different Acts of Parliament, which have improved and try their best to help the buyers.
There have two more laws that protect consumers:

- The Sale of Goods Act (When buy good in the shop)
- The Consumer Protection Regulation (When you buy goods online)

Criminal law - This law is not allowing people to do illegal businesses, criminals are people who act against the rules of the Parliament. There is a competition law, which the purpose is to make fair competition between the companies and makes the prices lower, the quality better and lots of different goods.

Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 - This Act helps to the customers to protect their self from the sale assistans. This is not allowing the sale person to lie, act unfairly, agressive behaviour, pass the good as another brand and ETC. Clients must report that kind of behaviours to Trading Standards, then can take action in the criminal/civil court.

Data Protect Act 1998 - That Act controls how your personal information is used by businesses, organisations and government. Every person who use Data Protection need to fallow the "data protection principals" and they must make sure the information is used: fairly, limited, kept no longer than the necessary, handled right, kept safe/secure, NOT transferred outside the UK without adequate protection and ETC. There is stronger protection for more personal information like religious beliefs, health, sexual health, criminal records, ethic background and political opinions.
National Minimum Wages 1998 - There is a national minimum wages in The UK, it help to the employee to get fair wages for everyone. There are different wages groups, there are 21+,18-20, 18 under and since 2010 have apprentice group. Every year the wages are increasing to make sure that they cover the need of the people.
The current National Minimu Wages for 2013 are:

For 21+ is £6.19, after 1 October will be £6.31
For 18-20 is £4.98, after 1 October will be £5.03
For 18 under is £3.68, after 1 October will be £3.72
For apprentice is £2.65, after 1 October will be £2.68
Employment Right Act 1996 - An employee has an employment contract. The contact must be written and given to the employee within eigth weeks from the start date of the employment. That type of documents are called "writted statement of partuculars", it contents the main terms of the employment contract. On that documents says what the employer CAN and CAN NOT DO
Disability and Discrimination Act 1995 - The purpose of this act is to give right to the people with disabilities, it gives them the same right like the people without disability. It gives them the rights in the areas of: Education, Employment, acces to goods, facitities and services, including larger private clubs and transport services,  access to goods, facilities and services, including larger private clubs and transport services, buy or rent property/land and etc.

Race Relations Act 1976 - The purpose of that act is to stop the discrimination on the race of the people ( Colour, race, ethnic group, natinality or anything similar) in the areas of employment, public options, education. The directors/employers have no right to discriminate againts to anyone for a job, because their difference.

Sex Discrimination Act 1975 - The Parliament, has created that act to protect the men and women against the any discrimination of their sex. That act gives the same right to the men and women, equal options for both of the sex groups. That helps them to have the equal opportunity to work, study, train and etc.

CRB checks (Criminal Record Bureau) -  The purpose of this CRB checks is to make the work places safer, in work places like: Working with childrent/voluntary jobs, healthcare and working with disabled people. The employers have no right to ask for that check, if the job is not requires it for a certain jobs. That helps to the employer to make a decisian that the applier for job is it suitable for it or not, that is most important especially with vulnerable people and children.

Financial issues

Some financial issues could affect to setting up a business, some people need financial support to set up their business. People can get money a friend/family, might get loan from the bank (but will have to pay interest), some have their own saving or some people can sale their personal belongings like property/land, car and etc. Once their started their business, they can get money from someone else if their company is LTD, they are able to sell share to someone who can buy their shares. Every business have different way to get money depent on the business. Most of the businesses make their money from advertises like internet advertises. The business can sale or provide services to make a profit, also can make their goods and sale it, when they are in the Secondary/Tertiary sector.
People have to be becarefull with they costs, because if the costs increase more than the profit that will shut down their business

U4 P1 - Task 6 - Compare the main job roles and functions in two different organisations

Project Extension Task 6

In this part of my coursework I will compare the main job roles and functions in two different organisations, the organisations that I have choose are British Red Cross and Wesminster Kingsway College.

British Red Cross's Departments:
- Finance and Business Development
- Education and Human Resources
- Communication Department
- Fundraising
- Strategy and Evaluation
- UK service department

The Candidate will do: provide information and provide services to learning teams
The Candidate need to be able to use Microsoft Office (epecially Edexel), well communication skills and person who have spare for different changes in the workplace.

Westminster Kingsway College's Department:
- Teaching
- Marketing
-IT Department
- HR
- Finance
- Professional development (separeted training department)

Jobe Role: Lecturer - Mathematic

The candidate for that job will need to: Provide effective teaching, support and assessment in Mathmatics on range of courses including GCSE,AS, and A2
The candidate will need to have: Excellent IT skills, qualifications, experience and need to be flexible  

Both of the organisations are different, they have similar departments but their purpose are different. Westminster Kingsway College provides services by educating the people, British Red Cross also provide education but different type of education like training, and their purpose is th help to the humanity by keeping them safe from disasters, help people in crysis and emergency responds.

Both of them deal with people and sell/provide services to the community.
Westminster Kingsway College's Departments
British Red Cross’s Departments
Teaching and Learning – This departments try make sure that the students are well provided from the teachers. International – This department is working everywhere around the world.

 Human Resources – This department deals with the need of the staff, they find new employees. Education and Human Resources – Its one of the most important departments for the British Red Cross, because they should make sure that the education/training is provided well and make you that the people have all the equipment
Operations – This department is dealing with everyday problems, day to day. Helps to the organization to deal with daily problems.Strategy and Evaluation - This department work with the board of trustees and the senior management and they try to keep to their main strategy. This departments help to the organisation to be one whole.
Finance – This department is important for many department/people because, if somewhere is needed financial help they deal with it. They calculate and give the wages to the employees
Finance and Business Development – This department is important for British Red Cross, because they deal with the money of the people that they have donated to the Fundraising, also calculate the finance work of the organization.
IT Department – One of the most important departments for WKC is that one, because in all the college is needed IT equipment. UK service department – This departments deals with the things only in the UK.
Professional development (separated training department): This department is similar to the HR department, but there are specialist for providing training.
Fundraising - They deal with the resources from charity shops, public appeals, events, trusts and Red Cross training to provide services.
Estates – This department is in charged with the maintenance of the buildings of the college, they area in charged people for changing door/windows/cleaning and etc
Communication Department - They make sure that the information provided by the Red Cross is easy to understand. It helps the media, staff and volunteers, government and donors to keep their knowledge up to date.
Marketing – “The Marketing department’s role is to improve and deliver marketing plans and strategies to help the College meet its target. The department is part of the External Relations Directorate and incorporates a number of units who are specifically targeted with delivering different aspects of the strategic goals”
Marketing – “Marketing involves a range of processes concerned with finding out what consumers want, and then providing it for them”