Sunday 17 March 2013

Task 2b - Business Plan

Task 2b

                                                         Business Plan

Your business logo
Business name: Balkan State's Sandwiches
Address 1: 286 HIGH ROAD
Post code  N15 4UR
Mobile: 07428 590959
Web site:

Contents:                                                       Pages:

1. Summary ............................................................ 4

2. Business Overview ............................................. 5
- Introduction
- Competitive Advantage

4. Marketing ............................................................ 6
-SWOT analysis and Critical Success Factors
- Market Research

5. Team and Management Structure ...................... 7

-Skills, Experience, Training and Retention
- Advisors
- Management System

6. Financial Budgets and Forecast ......................... 8

- Profit and Loss Forecasting 
- Cash Flow Forecasting
- Break Even Analysis

Business Overview

  • Introduction:

My business will be a sandwich bar, which is named "Balkan State's Sandwiches". The location of my bar will be in Tottenham, North(east) London, the reason to be located there is simple because the rent is not expensive and have many people from the East Europe (where the Balkan State is located in). This business is in tertiary sector, because is kind of restaurant.

I have chose that kind of business because people love to eat, some people like to try different type of foods and some people just miss their country's sandwiches like me.

I decide to put some Aims and Objectives for my business to be achieved and they are:

- To be still in the business for the next 1-2 years.
- To increase the sells by 20-30% after the surviving.
- Expand the business after 3-4 years maximum.

- Beat the competition with the other similar businesses.
- Add some more type of sandwiches.
- After making good profit expand the shop or open 2nd branch in different sensible place.

  • Competitive Advantages:
- The advantages of my business are simple, I will be the only seller of this type of food in that area. My sandwich bar will be located on the high road, where the station is and its in easy find-able place for the public. Around will have different schools and just 200-300 meter away have a college. The quality in the shop will be very well.


  • Swot Analyses and critical success factors:
In this part of the assignment I will analyse my business by SWOT analyse system.
Swat= Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
- I love to eat either cook.
- I have tasted many type of sandwiches and I have some knowledge about sandwiches (especially in type sandwiches I will make)

- I have never run a business before.
- Have not worked with that amount products (sandwiches)
- I have no experience to make exactly that kind of sandwiches, because they are not easy to make at home and need someone with good experience.

- Around my sandwich bar will have many students, which is a good opportunity for me to offer them take away meals.
- My premises is located in the High Road of Tottenham, there have many different type of shops which means there will have customers and will be near the employees working in the shops.

- These sandwiches will be new to the people and they might NOT like them.
- The bar is in the High Road and there will have vehicles (noises, bad gas smells)
- I have to satisfy all the needs of the public if I want to beat the competition.
- There have a risk that the council to do not give a license for my business.

  • Promotion Strategy:
This is my marketing strategy for my business. By advertising my business in different ways I will make my business well known.
I have few ideas how to share my business by the cheapest way I found.
  1. Leaflet: I can use leaflet with small sizes to deal out to the houses around my business.
  2. Social networks – I can publish my business in Facebook, Twitter,etc.
  3. Word of mouth: That is the cheapest and a fast way to spread it.
  4. Posters: This way will catch the attention of the customers.
  5. Newspaper: My business is with Bulgarian sandwiches and I will publish my business in the Bulgarian newspaper.
After publishing my business I will not stop advertising it in the Social Network and in The Newspaper, because every year are coming hundreds, thousands new people which will not know about my business. Some people grow up and they won't know my business as well, that's why is a good idea to do not stop promoting it.

Team and Management Structure

  • Skills, experience and training

I will be the manager in my work place and that's why I will be the sale assistant, I have the next skills and experience:

- I have good maths skills.

- I have an experience with communication with the public.

- I am sensible person, that is good for my staff and they will be more comfortable.

- I am hard-worker as well.
- Good organisation skills

 In my Sandwich bar I will need a baker, who will work in the back side of the bar (cooking) and a sales assistant to in the front part.
Sandwich Maker:
- Hard-worker
- Good knowledge about the machinery used in.
- Punctual person
- Flexible
- To have at least 1 year experience
Sales assistant:
- Good maths skills
- Organised
- Honest
- Always smiley to show that to the customers
- Good communication skills
  • Job Description
The staff in my business will be always in the shop, they will not need to go somewhere (travel) for work. The baker will be on the back side of the shop, make sandwiches and the sales assistant will be in the front line. The baker will work to the afternoon till 2,3 maximum and the sale assistant will be there to 4,5 maximum. The salaries will be suitable for both of the positions and they will have holiday as well.
The sale assistant will work 6,7 days a week and Monday to Friday 07:00-17,18:00.

Sale assistant

The sale assistant will work 7 days a week from 06:00 to 16:00. The task of the sale assistant will be simple because the bar is not large, there will not have plenty productst that needed to be described to the customer if they want so. The annual salary will be £15,000 - £20,000, depending on their experience and skills the annual salary will be decided how much to be. Here is described what the sale staff will need to do in the workplace:
- Greeting customers who enter the shop
- Offer to the customers what do they want
- Be polly with the customers
- Answer queries from customers
- Being responsible for the processing cash.
- Dealing with customers
- Keeping the bar clean and tidy
- If a real problem comes up the sales assistant should to tell to the manager
The sandwich maker will work 7 days a week from 5:00 am to 12:00,13:00. The task of the sandwich maker will be to make enough sandwiches to sell in the a day. The sandwich maker's annual salary will be £20,000-£30,000. There are not many things that the maker needs to do and they are:
- Make sandwiches
- Keep the hygiene in the workplace
- Report the amount of the products which will be needed
- Come on time
  • Management and Legal Requirements
  • My small business is a Sole Trade business organisation and it is in the Tertiary Sector. It's in the Tertiary Sector because I provide selling service to the public.
    I will need to register my Sole Trader business name in the Local Business Register to ensure that the name is original (None business have the same name) and the name don't contain any none approved words. If there is any problem with the name, immediately will be token some actions (will be needed to choose another name).
    I have already decided what type of business would be (Sole Trader) and what will be the name of my business. I can register my name online or download the application to send it my post.

  • Financial Budget and Forecasting and Profit and loss forecasting

  • Break Even Analysis
I have made a break even analysis for the first 6 months of my business.
In the first 3 months the business will make less income, because it's not well known. My business start to make a profit in the 4th month. I have made £11,080.00 Net profit for 6 months.

My break even analysis graph shows roughly 8,000 sandwiches I need to sell to turn my loss into profit.